Jim Stewart Bio

From an email sent by Jim on September 14, 2007:

I spent about 27 years in IT. I got into programming in 1961 at North American Aviation, in El Segundo. I tried several other businesses, including commercial diving for sea urchins off the channel Islands. In 1990, My wife and I move to Washington State, and I went into the shellfish business, growing manila clams and pacific oysters. That business failed in 2004, as did the myriad of other businesses that I tried. I'm a was much better programmer than a business person. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed every minute of it, money was never very important to me.

The computer technology has pretty much passed me by and it's impossible to find a company that wants a trainee that's over 65. In fact it's pretty hard to find any company that wants an employee that is over 65. For the last year I've been doing temporary work, mostly warehouse jobs. But I recently got lucky. I am starting a new career with the IRS in their Seattle call center on October first. I'm jazzed!

Jim Stewart,  September 14, 2007
